KFQ Membership

Korean Foundation for Quality (KFQ) has been running KFQ Membership programs including CEO breakfast Seminar, CEO Friendship Event and offering of latest information, in order to have a close relationship with clients and offer more comprehensive and systematic services to them. We would like to invite you as one of our honorable members, which would help your organization enhance competitiveness and achieve higher management performance.

Event Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Breakfast Seminar
Friendship Event

CEO Breakfast Seminar

The Korean Foundation for Quality (KFQ) organizes a special monthly gathering for executives. These meetings provide CEO with the opportunity to discuss a variety of topics, including the latest issues, trends, and management strategies, thus broadening their insights and perspectives.

CEO Friendship Event

To facilitate business networking among executives, we host friendly golf events. The Korean Foundation for Quality (KFQ) brings together CEO from various fields and supports them with a range of programs designed to help build networks that benefit corporate management.

Contact us

☎ +82-(0)2-6277-9510~1